Inspiring Future, Grand Challenge
2024 Field Research in GuangZhou
'현재의 중국'을 체험하고 미래의 가능성을 탐색하는 중국몽 프로그램
May Holiday Office Closure Schedule
We would like to inform you of the holiday schedule for the administrative office and department offices in May. Please note that on the following dates, the administrative office staff and department office administrators will be on holiday. Please take this into consideration when planning your visits. ① May 1, 2024 (Wednesday) - Labor Day ② May 6, 2024 (Monday) – Substitute Holiday Children's Day ③ May 15, 2024 (Wednesday) - Buddha's Birthday Thank you.
Sunny (Sun Li) Professor Lecture Announcement
This is the Administration Office of the Graduate School of China. Professor Sunny (Sun Li) will be conducting a special lecture with the following details: Title: "How Chinese firms take on the challenges from China-US conflict" Date: March 13, 2024 (Wednesday) from 13:00 to 15:00 Location: Room 90208, International Building, Sungkyunkwan University Audience: Students of Graduate School of China Speaker: Professor Sunny (Sun Li) We encourage interested students to participate. Thank you.
2023-2nd Semester Notice about <The Introduction of K-Law>&<Online Education for Human Rights and Prevention of Violence>
Dear Students, SKKU provides <The Introduction of K-Law> and <Online Education for Human Rights and Prevention of Violence>as mandatory educations for international student's stable relocation & study life in Korea. All international students are required to complete two online courses within the specified deadlines. 교육명 한국 법령 이해 교육 2023 학생을 위한 폭력예방교육(법정의무교육) 이수조건 매 학기(학기당 1회) 연간 1회 이수기한 (2023학년도 2학기) 2023. 12. 26.(화)까지 (2023학년도) 2023. 12. 31.(일)까지 언어 국문/영문/중문 중 선택 가능 국문/영문/중문 중 선택 가능 특이사항 ① 미이수 시 성적확인 불가 • 이수 완료 시 다음 날부터 확인 可 • 미이수자는 성적공시 마지막 날에 한해 확인 可 ② 차학기 외국인유학생 장학금 선발대상에서 제외될 수 있음 ① 미이수 시 성적확인 불가 • 이수 완료 후 다음 날부터 확인 可 • 미이수자는 성적공시 마지막 날에 한해 확인 可 (예시1) 2023년 5월에 교육을 완료한 경우 2023-1학기, 2학기 성적 공시 기간 내 성적확인 가능 (예시2) 2023년 9월에 교육을 완료한 경우 2023-1학기 성적 공시 기간 내 성적확인 불가, 2학기 성적 공시 기간 내 성적확인 가능 Thank You.
Holiday Office Closure Schedule
We would like to inform you of the holiday schedule for the administrative office and department offices at the end of September and the beginning of October. Please note that on the following dates, both the administrative office staff and the department office administrative assistants will be on holiday: ①September 25, 2023 (Monday) - School Anniversary ②September 28, 2023 (Thursday) - Confucius' Birthday ③September 28, 2023 (Thursday) to September 30, 2023 (Saturday) - Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving Day) ④October 2, 2023 (Monday) - Special Holiday ⑤October 3, 2023 (Tuesday) - National Foundation Day ⑥October 9, 2023 (Monday) - Hangeul Day Thank you.
General May Holiday Office Closure Schedule
Events Sunny (Sun Li) Professor Lecture Announcement
Academics 2023-2nd Semester Notice about <The Introduction of K-Law>&<Online Education for Human Rights and Prevention of Violence>
General Holiday Office Closure Schedule
Dancing with the dragon: Leveraging opportunities for global growth
Last week, the USF CBSI Center, which signed an exchange agreement with a Chinese graduate school, will hold a practical lecture. Those interested can participate in the webinar. We will develop future lectures and invite alumni to attend.
Steps Towards the Future: K-Maker High Program's Tour of China's Innovation Industries
Sungkyunkwan University's China Graduate School and the Global Innovation Center (KIC China) conducted the "K-Maker High Program" from May 15 to 18, a four-day program. The "K-Maker High Program" is a Chinese innovation industry tour program that explores the major high-tech zones in the four major city clusters of China. This year, the program visited the Yangtze River Delta region, the most active area in China for scientific and technological innovation and international exchanges. The visits included the Shanghai International Technology Exchange Market, the China International Import Expo, Zhejiang University, the Zhejiang Provincial Industry-University-Research Cooperation Promotion Association, and Alibaba. Alibaba Headquarters (Hangzhou, China) Zhejiang University (Hangzhou, China) China International Import Expo (Shanghai, China)
Graduate School of China Signs Academic Cooperation With University of San Francisco
The Graduate School of China (Director KIM, YONG-JUNE) signed a cooperation agreement with the University of San Francisco's Center for Business Studies and Innovation in Asia-Pacific (CBSI) on July 3, 2024. CBSI is a university-affiliated research and education institution developed by its predecessor, the China Business Studies Initiative. The University of San Francisco is one of the oldest private universities in the United States, and it is of great significance as it is an agreement with Sungkyunkwan University, the oldest university in Korea. This agreement aims to establish an organic cooperation system for the success of global graduate schools through the shared growth of the Graduate School of China and CBSI, and to strengthen human networks through mutual exchange. Additionally, through this agreement, we hope to accelerate international education innovation, provide students with quality educational opportunities, and contribute to the development of global society.
GSC holds inaugural meeting of alumni association
On April 27 (Saturday), the GSC (Director KIM, YONG-JUNE) held the "GSC Alumni Association Opening Ceremony" at the Global R&E Lounge of the International Museum of the Humanities and Social Sciences Campus. The GSC opened in September 2005 and marks its 19th anniversary this year, and has produced about 460 graduates so far. The event was attended by President YOO JI-BEOM, GSC President KIM, YONG-JUNE, as well as faculty members of the GSC, and more than 50 alumni and students to celebrate the formation of the GSC Alumni Association.
GSC Visits Shandong University of Technology
GSC Visits Shandong University of Technology Link:
GSC Signs MOU for Exchange and Cooperation with Shandong University Management Academy
GSC Signs MOU for Exchange and Cooperation with Shandong University Management Academy
GSC Signs Business Agreement With Hwaseong Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Asplo Co., Ltd
On February 27, 2024, the GSC signed a business agreement with the Hwaseong Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Asflow Co., Ltd. on "Strategic Proposals for SMEs to Enter the Chinese Market." Through the <Korea-China Business Capstone Design> class, which was opened in the first semester of 2024, we will conduct market research and marketing strategies for entering the Chinese market by Asplo Co., Ltd. with Students of the GSC.
[J Brain Storming] Corporate Strategy and Government Measures for China / KIM, YONG-JUNE Professor
Topic: Competitive Strategies of Chinese Companies and Choices of Korean Companies Date and time : 2024.04.25 ~ 07.16, 6 times in total How to proceed: Online academic seminars via the ZOOM platform. Link:
"The second MaYun is coming from Bios, aiming for Chinese healthcare and food items."
As President-elect Joe Biden has pledged, pushing for a $2 trillion fiscal stimulus is likely to cost the dollar more than it is now, and to attract more money to emerging markets, including China. Don't miss the opportunity that the United States has created." Ahn Yu-hwa, a professor of finance at Sungkyunkwan University's Graduate School of Chinese Studies, who is considered one of the top experts in China's economy and finance in Korea, said in an interview with the Chosun Ilbo on the 25th, "The factor that could have the greatest impact on the Chinese stock market next year will be the U.S. fiscal and monetary policy." Ahn served as a researcher at financial institutions such as the Korea Capital Market Institute and the Korea Securities Depository, and is an advisor to the Chinese team in Yulchon, a law firm. Professor Ahn plans to give a lecture on the theme of "Will Chinese mythology continue: Post-Pandemics Chinese Financial Outlook" at the 2021 Korea Financial Expo, which will be held from April 4-5. China and South Korean companies seeking to strengthen domestic demand may face a crisis. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China announced its plan to overtake the size of the U.S. GDP by 2015 at the 5th plenary session held last month, suggesting a "two-cycling" strategy such as expanding domestic consumption and self-reliance in technology. Its main goal is to develop technologies in future industries such as semiconductors, 5G, artificial intelligence (AI), and Internet technologies and produce related parts on its own. Professor Ahn said, "This proposed strategy means that China will localize the entire industrial ecosystem regardless of hardware and software," adding, "Even if the U.S. cuts off trade after 2015, China's national safety will not be shaken." "Most Korean companies, except for a few large companies, are still lacking in global competitiveness, and if China strengthens domestic demand and increases its technology self-sufficiency, it could be a major crisis for Korean companies that have supplied intermediate goods parts," he said. "We should not be afraid of competing abroad, but we should improve our weak constitution even now." How will U.S.-China relations develop when the Democratic government in the U.S. takes office? Ahn predicted that if the Trump administration used a "mongie" operation, the Biden government would use a "non-martial" operation. The Trump administration has dealt a blow to China, including tariff sanctions and the removal of Chinese companies, but the Biden administration will strengthen ideological solidarity with its allies by emphasizing environment and human rights, and gradually pressure China with economic and trade cooperation. "The Biden government wants to hit China like the Trump administration, but it will not want the U.S. to get hurt," Ahn said. "There is a possibility that the Biden government will bring back the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which was scrapped after the Obama administration tried to keep China in check." The promising sectors in China next year are 'Bio' China's Shanghai Stock Exchange broke through 3,500 units in January 2018, but fell to 2,400 units in January 2019 due to deepening U.S.-China trade conflicts. Now, the stock market has recovered and is fluctuating in the 3,400-point level. Professor Ahn said, "If the U.S. economic stimulus measures release the dollar further and the Corona gradually subsides, the Chinese stock market will have a chance to rise one notch further." Professor Ahn cited the bio and pharmaceutical sectors as promising industries in China that should be noted next year. "The value of health has been highlighted and interest in quality of life has rapidly increased among Chinese people due to the Corona crisis," he said. "It is highly likely that investments will be made in various health-related areas such as health care and health food." "The second Marwin (chairman of Alibaba)" will come from the bio sector. On the other hand, IT companies such as Alibaba, Baidu, and Tencent, which saw their share prices rise sharply this year due to the untact craze, said, "They are all entering the financial industry, but as Chinese authorities have recently begun to regulate their monopolistic status, stock prices will not rise significantly." Ahn advised investors interested in the Chinese market, "First of all, studying about China should precede." "China's political, social, and economic structure is quite different from Korea's, but many people are trying to invest in the situation where they lack understanding of it," he said. "We need to develop a habit of buying a good book on China first and reading and studying."
Google Manager Cho Yong-min's Special Lecture Review
Google Manager Cho Yong-min's Special Lecture Review Date: Friday, November 13, 2020 Venue: International Pavilion at Sungkyunkwan University On Friday, November 13, a special lecture by Cho Yong-min, manager of Google, was held at Sungkyunkwan University's Graduate School of Chinese Studies under the theme of "The AI era that rapidly develops into corona, the criteria for talent?" Contents: Cho Yong-min, the manager of Google Korea, who was in Samsung Electronics and IBM divisions before Google, gave a lecture on what talent awards are needed today in the era of the fourth industrial revolution and the New Normal era. He gave us a lecture on how to look at the world and what kind of talent we want from companies and society today. Manager Cho Yong-min said three things about how to respond to this era of rapid change. First, Find right why. Second, Master the pivot, and Be User-Friendly. He emphasized that businesses and individuals should be customer-friendly. Cho Yong-min, manager of Google Korea, presented a lecture with high concentration with witty delivery and overflowing energy. He also cited various companies such as CJ and Netflix as examples and listened to many practical examples. Attendee: 37 existing students + 6 additional students = 43 students in total a lecturer's resume Cho Yong-min joined Google and is currently working on various partnership and marketing projects with global companies at home and abroad. Samsung Electronics' planning group and IBM marketing team led the team by establishing and working on sales and marketing strategies. He's also the best leader of Google Asia Pacific's employees, and he's a leader in innovation beyond individuals with witty delivery and healthy new energy. Inspired by gorillas, not humans, he has the insight to see the same thing differently. Get insights from Cho Yong-min's lectures that look at the keys to innovation, organizations, and businesses that make real changes. [Education] Department of Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University Theory of Organizational Action at Stanford Business School <History> Google (2015-Current) Samsung Electronics Planning Group (2011-2014) IBM Marketing Team (2008-2010) Accenture Strategic Consulting Group (2005-2009)
Opening Ceremony of 'GSC Global Lounge' at Graduate School of China
Opening Ceremony of 'GSC Global Lounge' at Graduate School of China The Graduate School of China prepared GSC Global Lounge, a space dedicated to members of the Chinese Graduate School, among its members, and held an online opening ceremony on November 21 (Sat). Due to the situation of corona 19 infection and the subsequent strengthening of social distance by quarantine authorities, the event was held in an online format, with only a small number of people attending the site, including Professor Kim Yong-joon of the Graduate School of China, Professor Chen Bo (Department), Professor Bien Wenlong, Professor Song Deok-ho (Professor of Weekend Course), Professor Noh Eun-young (Professor in charge of Weekly Course), Professor Ahn Yu-hwa, Professor), Professor Park Ki-soon, and student representatives. Director Kim Yong-joon said, "We have prepared this GSC Global Lounge in order to support the Chinese graduate school students, the active network activities of alumni, and the convenience of campus life. Although the Corona19 has brought news online, I sincerely hope that everyone will visit campus as soon as possible and interact in the main space and share their dreams as Chinese business leaders." - GSC Global Lounge is located in 9B106 on B1F of the International Hall and can be used as a resting and exchange space for the Chinese Graduate School Weekend and Weekdays Course Wonders. (On Saturdays and Sundays, the space is dedicated to weekend courses.) - As the Corona 19 infection has continued recently, please follow the basic quarantine rules in the lounge and be careful when using furniture, items, etc. as it is a space that everyone uses together. - For door passwords and other related information, please contact the administration office.
Llshan Securities Museum Visit
Llshan Securities Museum Visit On the November 30th, 2019, SKKU C-MBA Professor of Finance, An Yuhua Professor, together with 13 SKKU GSC graduate students visited the Korea Securities Museum. The purpose of this visiting is to help students directly feeling the Korea's securities history and culture, in order to get a better understand of the course "Chinese Capital Market Practice" taught by Professor An Yuhua. Meanwhile, the students experience a practical understanding of the stock market even they haven’t been to the stocking market before, The Korea llsan Securities Museum was established in 2004, it is the second securities museum in the world after the Swiss Securities Museum. The Llshan Securities Museum present more than 400 years history of securities,the relevant cultural relics are also well preserved there. The visiting to Korea Securities Museum consist of two part, for the first part Museum staff explain the history of the Korean securities market.Professor An Yuhua translated the Korean explanations into Chinese to help Taiwanese student since he can’t understand Korean well. The museum displays a collection of bonds issued by various countries over the past 100 years. Finally, each classmate issued his own bond. For the other part,the museum arranged a lecture for us,which is about the investment.The professor KIM explain the invest in a funny and easy way. We took a picture after the class.We all free so impressive and educated after this touring.
* Application Period: Dec 2, 2024 (Mon) – Dec 9, 2024 (Mon)
산동대학교 관리학원와 교류 협력 MOU 체결
동문회 발대식 개최
(주)아스플로 업무협약 체결식
SKKU GSC 2024 중국몽_광저우편 (2024.01.18 ~ 01.21)
중국대학원 홈커밍 2023. 12. 16.(토)
중국대학원 2023 실사구시 (2023. 09. 15 ~ 2023. 09. 20)_타이위안
성균관대학교 중국대학원, 중국 복단대 방문의 순간들
(주)씨엔원 업무협약 체결식
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