GSC 소식
- Prof. Wenlong Bian was selected as the 2024 Top 1% Highly Cited Chinese Researchers by CNKI
- On December 27, 2024, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), the world’s most comprehensive online resource for accessing China’s intellectual output including academic journals, dissertations, and conference papers, released the “2024 Top 1% Highly Cited Chinese Researchers”. Professor Wenlong Bian, an Associate Professor of Finance at Sungkyunkwan University, was in the list. The China Science Literature Evaluation Research Center affiliated with CNKI conducted, for the first time in 2024, an objective evaluation of Chinese researchers’ academic impact based on academic achievements. In the selection process of the “Top 1% Highly Cited Chinese Researchers,” the evaluation metric used is the total PCSI (Paper Citation Standardized Index) of the researchers. This index refers to the weighted sum of the PCSI of papers published by the authors that exceed the theoretical average value (1.65). The weights are related to the number of coauthors and the order of authorship. To qualify as one of the “2024 Top 1% Highly Cited Chinese Researchers,” a researcher must meet the following criteria: 1.The total PCSI of the researcher’s publications over the past decade (2014-2023) must rank in the top 1%. 2.The researcher must have published a minimum of 5 papers over the past decade with a PCSI higher than the theoretical average value of 1.65. 3.The scholar must have published at least 1 highly influential paper over the past decade. Professor Wenlong Bian’s research interests include FinTech, corporate finance, and financial institutions. Over the past decade, he has published approximately 20 papers in prestigious Chinese journals such as the Economic Research Journal, China Economic Quarterly, Journal of Financial Research, and Insurance Studies. He has been honored with the Journal of Financial Research Annual Outstanding Paper Award, China Economic Quarterly Best Paper Award Nominees, and the 2018 Top 10 Best Chinese Papers in International Finance.
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